Humanistyka w przyrodzie. Przyroda w humanistyce


Department of South Slavonic Languages
Institute of Slavonic Philology
Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology

AMU in Poznań
invite to participate in
The Fourth International Conference

from the cycle

Slavonic Entomology
23-24 November 2023
online MS Teams platform


About the conference

Slavonic Entomology is the fourth cycle of the International Conferences “Humanities in
Nature – Nature in Humanities” which aim is to look at the animate and the inanimate nature
in interdisciplinary, humanistic, diachronic and synchronic ways. The subject of the cycle
allows to present natural aspects of philological, cultural, folkloristic, historical and
anthropological considerations. In the cycle of meetings we enter as humanists into the
research area explored traditionally by natural scientists, that is why we also invite biologists,
geographers, geologists or physicists, who want to highlight a humanistic element of their
scientific research, to cooperate.

Insects represent the largest and most diverse group within the animal kingdom. As numerous
small creatures, difficult to be seen, heard, smelled, are often perceived by a man as
unimportant, useless, unattractive, causing damages or intrusive and disturbing everyday life
beings. Certain species of these animals pollinate flowers, make nutritious honey, being an
important element of human diet, and produce fibres used in the textile industry. Centuries
ago people noticed usefulness of these creatures, but a common existence was often linked to
a certain amount of captivity of insects.

As small creatures insects are not completely vulnerable towards a human being. Their
strength lies in their multiplicity, and in species traits given by nature. Although people need
insects, they fight against these creatures, because they are afraid of them. People usually do
not recognize insects’ role in creating the global ecosystem. The fears of damages in crops or
being bitten make a human being fight against insects, a fact which causes extinction of
species, both harmful (for a man) and useful ones. Insects also can kill a human being, and
the fear of facing them makes people immortalize them in artistic works. It is important to
remember that in art or literature artists and writers present beauty and usefulness of insects –
bees, butterflies, beetles glittering with colours and charming with good organization of their

The proposed title of the meeting, i.e. Slavonic Entomology, refers to research of biologists –
representatives of the scientific branch – entomology. Due to the proposed subject, humanists

can contribute to enriching the image of insects by linguistic, literary and cultural research on
these creatures from the perspective of Slavonic Studies.

  • In the framework of the conference Slavonic Entomology we propose the following thematic
    Insects in Slavonic phraseology
    Insects in onomastics of Slavonic languages
    Insects in Slavonic folklore
    Insects as a literary motif in Slavonic literatures
    Motif of an insect in fantasy literature
    The Slavs and insects – common existence and fear of invasion
    Positive role of insects
    Pests, parasites, killers – negative perception of insects
    Insects as social creatures
    Insects in Slavonic cultures

application deadline

Deadline for submitting the paper proposals:
10 th September 2023.
Submission form in electronic version is to be sent to the following e-mail address:
Information and documents: click here.

conference venue

The conference proceedings will be on the platform MS Teams

conference fee

The conference registration fee is 250 PLN or 55 EUR (for foreign guests) and covers partially the publication of the conference proceedings in a reviewed monograph.

The seat of the organizer:

Collegium Maius
ul. Fredry 10
61-701 Poznań

head of the committee

prof. dr hab. Mariola Walczak-Mikołajczakowa

The conference organizational committee:



dr patryk borowiak


dr tatiana ganenkova

We heartily invite you to participate in the conference!